Friday, October 22, 2010

Liquid Fabric Softener

Here is a CHEAP and EASY alternitive to that pricy liquid fabric softner. This is a very simple solution that is certianly more natural than all the chemicals you are putting in your clothes with the store bought fabric softner and works even better!

I got the hair conditioner on sale (really cheap brand) for .89cents, and of course vinegar is about $2.00 for the 1/2 gallon size so this is MUCH cheaper and "greener"!


3 C vinegar
2 C hair conditioner (any kind)
6 C water

1. In a sealable container (if you have a couple old liquid fabric softener containers, those work well), combine 2 cups hair conditioner (I use a regular sized bottle- a little less than 2 cups), 3 cups vinegar, and 6 cups water

2. Mix all ingredients together

3. Store in air tight container.

4. Use same amount you would use with regular liquid fabric softener

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