Monday, March 24, 2014

Green Monster Smoothie

The smoothie that makes your skin just glow. :) Doesn't that sound nice? I have a friend who shared this with me and she showed pictures of her before and after and her skin was more clear and she had a glow to her complexion. BEAUTIFUL! I decided that I would like to give this green monster a try. I hear its pretty darn tasty and you cant taste the spinach at all. This will also make you very regular if you know what i mean. LOL! I will update after i try it and even post pictures if i stick to it and see a change in my skin. Im hoping i get the energy boost that others have gotten too. That would be awesome!

2 cups of spinach (fresh or steamed)

1/2 banana
3 strawberries
1 Tablespoon of flax seed meal or chia seeds
1 scoop of protein powder
1/2 cup of milk, milk substitute such as soy or rice milk OR even orange juice will work ;)

put in your blender, you can add some ice, blend for about a minute and drink!

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